Mrs Tester is the school attendance and well being lead and works closely with Mrs Newton, our attendance officer from Hartlepool Local Authority.

We continue to urge parents to keep leave of absence to a minimum and remind them that no leave of absence will be granted, except in exceptional circumstances as directed by the Government in June 2013. Please inform school via telephone by 9.00am every day, of the reason of all absences. 

Unauthorised absences include: - 

  • any absence for which school has not received an adequate explanation; 
  • late arrival, without good reason 
  • holidays; 

Authorised absence may include: - 

  • illness, including medical and dental appointments; 
  • exceptional special family occasions 
  • family bereavement or crisis 

Most parents are very conscientious in informing school of absence due to illness; when we do not receive notification we try, whenever possible, to phone home and ascertain the reason of absence, as outlined in the Home School Agreement.  Unfortunately, we cannot always make contact.  Please inform school immediately of any change of address or telephone number.