We are the Mini Vinnies and our mission is 'Turning Concern into Action.' We meet regularly to discuss how we can support both our school and global community. Most recently, we have organised collections for our local foodbank, a Christmas Jumper Swap at school and led the school in a prayer activity for refugees. 


Keep checking back on this page to see what we are doing next. This will include supporting the school community in both prayer and social action.


Find out more information about Mini Vinnies around the country by clicking here

Mini Vinnies | St Vincent de Paul Society (svp.org.uk)


In Summer 1, the Mini Vinnies have made 'Travelling Rosary' bags to share with the school during the month of May. They thought about what would need to be in each one. Keep a look out for these in your book bags during the month of May.




In Spring 2 Term the Mini Vinnies chose to think about those in the community that may be lonely during Easter. They led workshops for the school making Easter cards with friendly messages for those in our community. 



In the Spring 1 term, the Mini Vinnies thought about the Catholic Social Teaching issue of 'Human Dignity'. They led prayers for refugees and invited the whole school to contribute.



In Autumn 2, the Mini Vinnies thought carefully about the Catholic Social Teaching issue of those who do not have the same as others. They organised a Christmas jumper swap, where the school were invited to bring their pre-loved Christmas jumpers to school to give to those who may not have one. They also talked about how this was a good idea for looking after our environment, as new items of clothing are not always needed.