Early Years Lead: Mrs K Robertson
Intent (Why do we teach what we teach?)
St Bega’s Early Years aims to provide a nurturing, language rich, inspiring and inclusive learning environment and curriculum which meets the needs of all our children. We endeavour to support our children in reaching their full potential and to make at least good progress from their individual starting points, in a learning environment where the children feel safe, happy, loved and secure. We intend to provide happy and positive indoor and outdoor experiences, with the aim of fostering a love of learning whilst embedding and celebrating the Characteristics of Effective Learning and, providing experiences that strengthen British Values.
In recognising the crucial role that the Early Years has to play in children’s future learning, we intend to provide firm foundations upon which both their academic success, communication and personal, social and emotional development can be built. To do this, we work in partnership with parents/carers as we collectively endeavour to give our children the best possible start. A goal of ours is to nurture life-long learners who are ambitious, curious, active, effective communicators and confident, so they are equipped with the skills and knowledge for their next stages of learning in Key Stage 1.
Implementation (How do we teach it?)
We have highly experienced and motivated staff who see every moment as a learning opportunity. Our practitioners have high expectations and work passionately to deliver a inclusive and progressive curriculum which maximises the opportunities for learning and meaningful experiences and ensures that all of our children experience success.
The curriculum provides a play-based approach where children learn by playing and exploring, being active and thinking critically and creatively and this takes place both indoors and in our outdoor area. All areas of learning are equally incorporated and planned for to ensure that there is a broad, balanced and progressive curriculum. The timetable is carefully structured so that children have discrete teaching during the day for Phonics, Mathematics, Religious Education and the wider curriculum. The knowledge and skills taught during discrete teaching is then practiced and developed in the continuous provision through child initiated and adult directed activities which are linked to themes and topics. Daily routines further support and develop children’s learning in a meaningful and purposeful way. We ensure that the content of the curriculum is differentiated to meet the needs of all of our learners and is taught in a logical progression so that our children can build on their prior learning.
Our children’s voices are enthusiastically acknowledged and the curriculum is designed so that their unique needs and interests are integrated into the curriculum. Our curriculum is designed to be flexible, a topic-based approach to our long-term planning is implemented across all phases, however with regard to medium and short term planning, plans are adapted to address the ever changing and growing needs of our children.
At St Bega’s, we ensure to build positive relationships and support all our families. We recognise that parents are children’s first and most enduring educators. We endeavour to work closely with parents as we recognise that when parents work in partnership with our practitioners, the results have a strong impact on children’s development and learning. We provide regular opportunities for parents and carers to come into school to support their child, share their learning and celebrate success. We keep parents informed regularly using our online learning platform, Seesaw. Parents are invited to join the Seesaw App where they can view their child’s learning experiences, support home learning. We also meet regularly with them to ensure children’s learning and development through the EYFS is happy and allows them to excel with the support needed. This includes nursery visits and home visits, stay and play sessions, Nativity performances, sports day, trips and visitors, online, floor books and folder based learning journeys, phonics and reading workshops, reports and parent consultations as well as more frequent informal communication to suit individual families.
Impact (What has been the impact and how do we know?)
The impact of Early and prompt identification of our disadvantaged children and children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) ensure that:
- The learning environment is inclusive
- Learning is adapted and interventions are implemented so that the needs of all of our children are met
- All children show high levels of involvement which is obvious to all
The impact of our broad and balanced curriculum alongside our active and challenging learning environment will ensure that our children:
- Become successful learners who are equipped with the knowledge, skills and understanding which will prepare them for the future.
- Are versatile and valuable individuals who are kind, respectful, honest, compassionate and tolerant.
- Have a sense of their role in society and go onto to share the ethos and values practised at St Bega’s.
The impact of incorporating the statutory areas of learning within the EYFS ensures that:
- The knowledge, understanding and skills of our children will be mastered across all seven areas of learning and will ensure that our children are prepare and have the foundations upon which to build subsequent learning.
- Our children’s individuality is valued and aspects of the curriculum are based on their own personal interests
- All children experience a curriculum which provides exciting and enriching learning experiences and opportunities.
- British Values and the Characteristics of Effective Learning, alongside the concept of Cultural Capital are established early.
The impact of our curriculum will also be measured by:
- The number of children who make at least good progress academically, emotionally, creatively, socially and physically.
- How well our curriculum and its delivery ensure that a significant number of children make very good or rapid progress from their staring points
- Analysing and comparing national and local EYFS data alongside our EYFS summative data.
Early Years Brochures